Seared Pomfret Chinese New Year Fish 煎䱽魚 年年有餘

Seared Pomfret Chinese New Year Fish 煎䱽魚 年年有餘Seared Pomfret Chinese New Year Fish 煎䱽魚 年年有餘


  • 1 pomfret, about 1 1/2 lb (0.75 kg), or any fish suitable for pan sear;
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • 1 piece ginger, about 1” (2.5 cm) X 1 1/2” (4 cm);
  • 2 teaspoons sea salt.


Serving for 2

  1. Clean pomfret, pat dry and wrap in paper towel;
  2. Put back to refrigerator until ready to cook;
  3. Add 1 tablespoon vegetable oil to a large sauté pan over medium high heat;
  4. Place ginger, sear and rub the bottom;
  5. Slowly place pomfret in the pan;
  6. Sear for 3 minutes;
  7. Turn heat to low, slow cook until light brown;
  8. Flip and cook the other side;
  9. Add the rest of vegetable oil if it is needed;
  10. Cover until fully cook;
  11. Add sea salt;
  12. Plate and serve warm.

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