Butterfly Shrimps with Garlic Mayonnaise Sauce 蝴蝶蝦

Butterfly Shrimps with Garlic Mayonnaise Sauce 蝴蝶蝦Butterfly Shrimps with Garlic Mayonnaise Sauce 蝴蝶蝦


For butterfly shrimps

  • 6 shrimps, about 6 oz (80 g);
  • 3 strips duck bacons, can be substitute with bacon;
  • 1 tablespoon safflower oil;
  • 1 teaspoon corn starch;
  • 1 teaspoon water.
  • For garlic mayonnaise sauce

  • 1 1/2 teaspoons finely minced garlic;
  • 3 tablespoons mayonnaise;
  • Sea salt.


Serving for 2 as appetizer

For butterfly shrimps

  1. Split shrimps in the back;
  2. De-vein, pat dry and wrap with paper towel;
  3. Put back to the refrigerator until ready to cook;
  4. Mix corn starch and water to a glue like consistence;
  5. Fill the split shrimps with corn starch mixture;
  6. Put on top of bacon with glue side down;
  7. Add safflower oil to a sauté pan over medium high heat;
  8. Place shrimps in the sauté pan with the bacon down for 1 minute before cover;
  9. Sear until shrimps turn pink;
  10. Take them out and serve warm with garlic mayonnaise sauce.

For garlic mayonnaise sauce

  1. Mix minced garlic and mayonnaise;
  2. Add sea salt, adjust for taste.

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